Top 10 e-commerce influencers to work with in 2020
Many companies today use digital marketing, especially influence marketing. Indeed, e-commerce companies are trying to stand out and increase their notoriety. In order to achieve their goals and build customer loyalty, most use influencers.
Using influencers to promote your business online is a must. An influencer is usually followed by targeted subscribers, which makes it easier to reach the audience you want to reach and thus increase the popularity of your brand and, of course, your sales.
As the name suggests, influencers hold a certain notoriety on the web. Followed by a good number of people, their publications reach more of their target audience than a simple advertisement broadcast directly by the brand. Publishing in a natural way with subtle candor, their subscribers generally adhere to their ideas, visions and aspirations.
What's the point of using influencers?
They are very active on the networks and maintain a close relationship with their followers. The information they provide gives subjective ideas or opinions to Internet users, so that the latter have a high degree of trust in them.

The roll-out of digital technology and access to the Internet for most of the world's population has given digital marketing a new lease of life. With the boom of social networks has come a new marketing system that allows you to launch your business with the experience of a professional who has a large audience. Using these influencers is an opportunity for companies to convince a well-defined audience.
Influencers are in contact with subscribers whom they can influence positively or negatively. When they are still micro-influencers, they have an audience of less than 100 000 subscribers, 74% of them have between 1,000 & 50,000 subscribers.
Top 10 e-commerce and retail influencers
A comparison site has updated its data. Thanks to this, you can know the top 10 influencers of digital commerce that you must absolutely follow to promote your business on the internet.

Nicolas Babin (@Nicochan33)
A French businessman, Nicolas Babin was formerly head of the communication/marketing branch at Sony Europe and Marketing Director at Neopost. He set up his own company at the beginning of the year and is, at the same time, a consultant in big companies such as Huawei or Google, focusing on artificial intelligence and 5G connection.
He is an avid user of digital technology and regularly publishes management, communication and marketing information on his page. Specialising in gaming, gamification and technological innovation, it is followed by nearly 25,000 English-speaking Internet users.
Philippe Weickmann (@weickmann)
Philippe Weickmann is a consultant and trainer in digital marketing and social selling. His work consists in promoting companies on the web and offering digital communication and outsourcing tools.
It is followed by 10700 Internet users on twitter with an influence rate that reaches 76%. Indeed, its page provides recommendations for strategic positioning, and everything related to the digital domain such as SEO or digital design.
Fabienne Billat (@fadouce)
Also specialising in digital and public relations, Fabienne Billat stands out for her publications on the digital news of major companies in France. She is a marketing and communication consultant and also conducts technical network training. Her advice on her page attracts no less than 28,000 subscribers.
Professional in the field of computer science and e-commerce, IPFC online is a digital agency that focuses on SEO and web hosting. IPFC online is a digital agency that focuses on search engine optimization and web hosting. It therefore provides training courses in computer science dedicated to all those who wish to deepen their knowledge, especially in digital strategies.
On her site, she offers advice on e-commerce in order to boost your sales and promote your business on the web. Followed by some 50,000 followers, IPFC online actively shares interesting information on everything that concerns the online market and the digital world.
FintechTrading Tech (@BourseetTrading)
The Fintech Trading Tech page focuses on everything that concerns the world of the stock market. It offers information on stock exchange and trading techniques. As a result, it is full of information about investments, whether or not they are suitable for you. The page also gives advice on how to promote your business online and has almost 7000 subscribers to date.
The Important (@Limportant_en)
To ensure that you don't miss out on any important information, the l' site is well named. Indeed, this site brings together all the most relevant and important news and information from other renowned sites. This information is meticulously selected by journalists and influencers. is a generalist site which is viewed by more than 80,000 followers.
Christine Boursin (@chboursin)
Christine Boursin, head of development at the post office, has a twitter page followed by some twenty thousand people. The subjects she covers there vary greatly but are closely linked to digital and personal development. She also shares news about innovation projects, startups and communication. As her favourite subjects are numerous, she has an audience score of 79 out of 100.
Florent Letourneur (@FloletDrh)
He is an expert in the field of human resources due to his involvement in the creation of happy to meetyou. Specialized also in the digital sector, Florent Letourneur's participation on the website has attracted a lot of internet users. Indeed, more than 31,000 followers follow his publications concerning the growth of companies on the web.
Jean Luc Raymond (@jeanlucr)
Jean Luc Raymond is a social media manager and a renowned international speaker who helps companies promote their brand and increase their market share on the web. Specializing in digital strategies, his contribution on social networks has earned him more than half a million followers with an astonishing score of 74 out of 100.
Emmanuelle Leneuf (@FlashTweet)
Emmanuelle Leneuf is a journalist known in particular for the creation of Flashtweet. The latter is a digital newspaper that focuses on digital transformation. Previously a columnist for La Lettre de l'Expansion, she has now immersed herself in the digital world.
Like clockwork, it publishes a dozen tweets daily at 7:30 am. These tweets are meticulously sorted on important news related to digital transformation and creation. These articles are read, every day, by about thirty thousand people.